Monday, September 18, 2017

Sandi Update

Sandi is now back home after blood work at Texas Oncology that determined she absolutely had to have platelets today. We have been warned to expect to be the hospital into the evening after her doc and lab appointments on Thursday as they expect she will have to have another unit of platelets as well as two units of blood.

Other than that she is doing okay.


  1. Good except for the platelets. I went to Texas Oncology today too. My numbers are up, platelets down but I was expecting that after battling this never ending pneumonia and pleural effusion.

  2. Sort of a glass half full or half empty deal. I'm voting for half full.

  3. This today was pretty much expected as we had been told last week she was approaching the must have platelet line. They kind of wanted her to have a unit of blood too and she said no as it always makes her sick for a day or too afterwards. She tends towards anemia as it is so since she was not having any issues they let it slide today. Thursday will be a day of reckoning though.
