Monday, October 16, 2017

4 Down, 21 To Go

4 Down, 21 To Go as of today. No change here one way or the other. We met with the radiation doctor after the treatment and he remains very optimistic about how things are going. Sandi is  frustrated at how things don't seem to be getting better, but he says it will take a bit longer. How long? He never really answered that question.

After she has another radiation treatment tomorrow, we see her main cancer folks for blood work and an office visit.


  1. 16% of the way there! It may not sound like much but it's significant. An optimistic radiation doctor is a good sign. Hang in there!

  2. Relieved to learn things are going well, but not entirely surprised since they involved ULTRA-Wonder Woman.

  3. Things are NOT going well at all. They have not gotten worse and that, theoretically, is a good sign at this point. He was far more optimistic today than he was last week. She was clearly worse today than she was when he saw her last so he may have been trying to pump her up.
