Friday, November 03, 2017

Sandi Friday 11/3/17

Sandi had her 17th radiation treatment this morning with 8 to go to reach the planned 25 sessions. She continues to receive large amounts of antibiotics and fluids to treat the ongoing unspecified infection and to keep her kidneys functioning as well as they can. Another A-Fib episode has happened and they intervened to stop it and to get her stabilized. They continue to have her on the cardiac monitoring equipment so they can keep an eye on that. She is on the edge of needing yet another blood transfusion and that will probably happen--if not today--sometime tomorrow. Dr. Mathews came and saw her this morning before she had radiation.

She was extremely out of it today and unable to complete sentences, have a conversation, etc. While she knew, as she always does, who the President is and what city she is in, she did not seem to know if it was day or night, had no idea what day it was, did not understand Scott has class today, etc. Her lucidity issues seemed to be getting worse the longer we were there. Hopefully, when she sleeps this afternoon, her brain will sort of reset and she will be more aware of things tonight. Scott and I have not seen her this bad since she was first admitted.

Today has been very upsetting. Especially since the last several days it seemed like things were getting slightly better from a mental awareness state. It was very obvious to us as well as those working with her that things in that realm are again very bad.

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