Friday, November 10, 2017

Sandi Update 11/10/17

The roller coaster is going downhill a little bit today as she is rather out of it, though is able to move to the bathroom with assistance and do what needs to be done. the first results are in on the blood cultures and they don't show anything. that does not mean much of anything as it usually takes 48 to 72 hours before anything starts growing in these deals. Her fever is down today, but most mornings and through the midday it tends to be down.

Her last radiation treatment is next Tuesday. After that she will move across the hospital to rehabilitation. If they hold her as long as they usually do, that means she will be in rehab for around ten days. It also means that if something blows up with her, they can scoot her back across the hospital to the main cancer floors.

They were also able to juggle her room assignment and move her back to the top floor late yesterday so she is now back with her fellow cancer patients. That is good for her and, if she turns out to be infected with another bacterial blood infection, much safer for all involved as they have dealt with that before with many other cancer patients. Even if not infected, the nurses up there all know her, know me, and know how to handle her situation as they have seen her almost nonstop since Memorial Day.

While her cellphone is still very dead, she does have her iPad with her and we got it back up and working for her today. So, from time to time, if you are on Facebook, you may see her appear for short intervals of time.

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