Thursday, November 09, 2017

Sandi Update 11/9/17

After a day long rain event here yesterday that made me stay home as wet pavement and my cane are mortal enemies, Scott and I made it to the hospital to see Sandi in her new room. She was moved late Tuesday as they needed her old room for a chemo patient.

Sandi was awake and a little better mentally today than she has been. She had already had a blood transfusion this morning when we got there. More than once we also got to see her move around the room with assistance and she is clearly moving a bit better. The radiation seems to have finally started shrinking the spinal tumor enough that she can move a little better than in recent weeks. This was confirmed when PT showed up and took her for a lap around the floor while she used a walker.

One the negative side, she had more than four degrees of fever yesterday evening and it came back today while we were there. Chills that were not from radiation also started while we were there as she waited to do radiation that kept getting pushed back through the day. Blood cultures are being run and there is major concern that the MSRA or staph infection she had last August might be back. While we do not have to gown up to see her just yet, all staff are gowning up and taking other precautions as they work with her.

So, today was a mixed bag for her. Mobility and mental aspects were a little better, but the fever is a real worry.


  1. That looks like a happy, triumphant smile, maybe from being able to walk around a little. Keep up the good work! (:

  2. No matter how bad things seem she keeps on punching...a tough and determined woman!

  3. Glad you got to see her & that she's walking around a bit! She sounds like she's still fighting.
