Sunday, January 21, 2018

2017 Preditors & Editors Poll Review Site Results

The 2017 Preditors and Editors Poll has concluded and the results have been finalized. This year this blog finished in SECOND PLACE behind the mega review and book giveaway site, I Smell Sheep. As they focus primary on romance, horror, and fantasy in terms of reviews and book giveaways, that means Kevin's Corner is the top review site for mysteries, crime fiction, etc.

On behalf of myself, Barry, Aubrey, Jeanne, Earl and the many other contributors to this blog each year, thank you for your support.


  1. Thanks! Could not have done it without all the folks who make things possible here.

  2. This is great news, Kevin! I'm so happy for you and hope it cheered you up a bit.

  3. Thanks, Jan. I just hope the blog earned it and it did not happen because of pity votes.

  4. Mazel tov, my friend.

  5. Thank you, Barry. And thank you for all your efforts to help keep things running here despite everything.

  6. Anonymous10:59 AM

    My only question is, how come you aren't first? I feel like you are, that you should be. Maybe it's in my heart that you're first and always will be! Love Y'all!

  7. It is really hard to beat sites that have a ton of reviewers and do book giveaways while primarily focusing on the horror, fantasy, romance, and science fiction genres. The folks who are readers of those genres come out and vote in droves. Getting that kind of response when you do not focus on those genres is really hard. This year we got by most of those type of sites which is very cool.

    Like last year when the blog finished seventh overall, this blog is still number one for mysteries, crime fiction, etc., and that means a lot to to me. To pull that off in back to back years is huge.

    Thank you, Cheri.


  8. No doubt in my mind, Kevin, you're Number One.

  9. Thank you, Earl. And thank you for all you have done here over the years.
