Monday, January 22, 2018

Last Few Days Have Been Really Rough

Trying to handle things as best as I can, but the last few days have been very rough emotional wise. Been online very sporadically and for very short periods at a time. Escapist television has had limited effect. I'm reading some, but having a very hard time staying focused on what I am reading.

I am still having a very hard time sleeping and that does not help.Most nights I wake up several times an hour and thus sleep for only a few minutes at a time. I have always had insomnia issues, but nothing to this level with what I have been going through the last few weeks.

 In short, this remains hell.


  1. Hang in there. Easy to say but hard to do, I know.

  2. Six months is the marker I always hear. A lot of bad months until then, I know. Please consider getting therapy or join a grief group.

  3. Thank you, Jerry. I am trying.

  4. Thank you, Patti. I was not aware of the six months deal. I am thinking about doing that. Despite everything, I remain sober and all that so I am doing something right.

  5. Grieving is the hardest thing in life, I think. Her birthday and all the holidays will be very tough too. I haven't ever checked but maybe there is an on-line grief group to join. Remaining sober is a very positive thing.

  6. Hang in there, Kevin. Take the positive and relaxing moments when they appear, and press on. Easier said than done.

  7. It is what it is. Sigh.
