Friday, February 23, 2018

Finally Home

Finally home as we had to run a couple of errands after we got our physicals done. Pending bloodwork, both Scott and I are doing okay. Thankfully, based on my primary care doctor's assessment, my congestive heart failure does not seem to have gotten any worse since he saw me about 14 months ago. I still have to have a physical at the cardiologist and go through their more extensive testing, but things seem to be relatively stable.

He is very concerned about the stress and grief I am under with losing both my Mom and Sandi last year and everything else I have been dealing with during the last year. At this point, time is the only relief I am going to get from the grief and that will not be anytime soon. We discussed in depth where I am at and how I am dealing with things (or not as the case may be) and he assures me that I am where I should be three months later today. He did stress that if my emotional state gets worse than it is, he wants me to call and come in for help. I have promised to do that.

So, at this point, we await the test results, but nothing is currently indicating any new issues. Just glad that today is over.


  1. Wonderful to know you are both physically all right. Sending you hugs and blessings, Kevin, and hoping the rest of this year will be peaceful.
