Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Bookseller: Amazon comes under fire for removal of book reviews

The Bookseller: Amazon comes under fire for removal of book reviews


  1. Nothing will happen to alleviate this concern. Amazon is Amazon, and will do what Amazon sees will benefit it in the long run. Authors are on the wrong track if they think that Amazon is concerned about them and their careers--unless possibly they are someone who sells in the millions, and would actually have the potential to affect the bottom line.

    One cannot 'blame' Amazon. It is a company working to increase profits and position itself for that to continue into the foreseeable future.

  2. They have removed a few of my reviews of other books here and there. Sometimes I find out and get the reviews back in. I don't trust any one platform with my review work and thus spread them across multiple platforms.

  3. It seems that Amazon is good with something like 80% accuracy in it's 'clean up' ventures. Good enough, and just too bad for those innocent 20%. If you don't rile too many feathers, it remains good enough and will continue.
