Friday, August 16, 2019

Not Well

Made the mistake of going out this afternoon in the heat  to run a couple of errands. I did this after being out and about in public for awhile this morning. I overdid me, and then with the heat, am not well at all tonight. It did not help that we had an issue with the house AC this afternoon which is now theoretically fixed.

Will rest at home tonight with several fans blowing on my carcass, and hope to be better tomorrow. If you have sent me something or have news for SMFS, please be patient.


  1. Rest up and revive yourself.

  2. Oh, heck, Kevin: I thought you were over all this by now, and am fed up to hear that you're not. Huge sympathies. The cold-fans approach is recommended; the ice-cold Pinot Grigio method has its advantages.

  3. I am getting closer to normal post mouth deal.

    What happened yesterday was that I went out in the morning in run errands in the heat. I did more stuff in teh afternoon and that got me. How I am going to get through going to UTD each Tuesday so Scott can go to class is beyond me right now.
