Saturday, November 16, 2019

Barry Ergang: The Play Of Light And Shadow

Barry Ergang’s excellent mystery, The Play Of Light And Shadow, is now available in both print and digital formats. Previously only available in digital format, Barry has made a print edition now available and both editions feature the new snazzy cover. You can find it on Amazon in both formats and digital only at Smashwords.


A party at the home of a wealthy couple to celebrate the recent acquisition of a valuable painting results in the painting's theft from a locked room under constant observation, and the subsequent murder of one of the guests. Is the culprit a legendary master thief out for revenge? Darnell, a no-nonsense private detective and Alan Driscoll, a college professor turned bartender, team up to investigate in this whodunit/howdunit. Plus an article about how the novelette came to be written: "Writing THE PLAY OF LIGHT AND SHADOW."

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