Sunday, December 22, 2019

John Pavlovitz: Blue Christmas (What To Do When The Holidays Hurt)

Sandi loved Christmas and all that it entailed. For me, without her, it is hell. This is the third holiday season without her and every year is just gets worse. I find myself crying at stupid commercials as well as a ton of other stuff. Lesa Holstine shared this on Facebook this morning and it hit home. I share it here for those of us, and no doubt there are many, that are in grief, in deep pain, and not finding any reason to be merry.

 John Pavlovitz: Blue Christmas (What To Do When The Holidays Hurt)


  1. I know how hard it has been for you Kevin. Sometimes you have to take Christmas just one sugarplum at a time.

    I'll be thinking of you over the Holiday.

  2. I appreciate it, Jerry.

    Sandi pretty much loved the whole holiday season. She defined it from my birthday on 11/20 to all the way to her birthday on 1/19. Christmas was the highlight for her and most years we could not do much. Then when I finally could have done something, she did not make it to it.

    Christmas 2017 was hard, but I was still so numb it all went in a blur. I know stuff happened after she passed on the first, but, I have no idea what. Last year was bad. This year has been way, way worse. Between that and the fact I am very much aware that at 58 and with my own health stuff, I will also not be around much longer, it is a very morbid and sad time.
