Saturday, March 28, 2020

Scott's Take: Highfire: A Novel by Eoin Colfer

Highfire: A Novel by Eoin Colfer is the latest adult book from the creator of The Artemis Fowl Series. The Artemis Fowl Series is a great series that I highly recommend. Highfire: A Novel is an adult spin on the classic tale of boy meets dragon and they become friends. Vern, the dragon, is the last dragon on the planet as far as he knows and is bitter and lonely. He is wasting his life drinking vodka and watching Netflix as he waits to die in his hideaway somewhere in the swamps of Louisiana. He needs to hire somebody to act on his behalf as a go between him and society.

After all, a dragon can’t exactly go into to town and do his own grocery shopping. Thanks to a chance encounter and in exchange for his life, a young kid by the name of Squib offers to provide this service. Vern reluctantly agrees to trust the human despite his hatred of all humans for killing his family and friends. Of course, things do not stay simple when one is working for the last dragon on the planet. Add in a dirty cop named Regence Hooke who thinks it is a good idea to go after Squib, despite the dragon, and the novel becomes quickly complicated.

If you are familiar with Eoin Colfer, you know his books usually include references to Ireland, a weird sense of humor, deep characters who are complicated individuals, and a unique way of telling a story. His writing style is very different than most writers. I like it for the most part. Sometimes one has to reread a paragraph for it to be understood fully.
This is a very adult novel and not appropriate for kids.  There are a number of graphic murders, sex jokes are made, implied rapes, a suicide attempt, lots of cussing, and other adult orientated content. If you think the idea of a dragon wearing clothes, hanging out in a Lazy Boy, drinking vodka while watching Netflix, is funny; this could be the book for you. I enjoyed Highfire: A Novel by Eoin Colfer a lot, but the writing style and sense of humor is not for everyone. Assuming you are okay with very mature elements in your reading and you have a sense of humor, I recommend it. 

Scott A. Alexander ©2020

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