Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Review: One Day You’ll Burn: A Novel by Joseph Schneider

A coyote found the body first as it lay at the base of a pagoda in Thailand Plaza. Driven by the fires that had consumed Griffith Park moving her natural food sources away, the scrawny coyote took off a chunk of thigh before the flashing lights and sirens of the first officers to arrive on scene sent her scurrying off elsewhere this new day.

Paramedics and firefighters soon add to the scene further snarling traffic. Not only does that snarl of traffic make it harder for morning commuters, it slows down the arrival of Detectives Tully Jarsdel and Morales. Five years on the force and new to homicide, the death of a person who was possibly tortured and then cooked alive at high temperatures much like your Sunday dinner roast, becomes his case to solve as lead detective in One Day You’ll Burn: A Novel by Joseph Schneider.

This police procedural combines a horrific case full of mystery in with elements of history and philosophy to create a compelling and intense read. Jarsdel walked away from a very promising career in academia and did so with tremendous personal repercussions that continue years later. His background is going to play a major role in the case as events unfold. A role that may encourage Morales and others to lay off the jokes for a while.

In addition to the main storyline, there are several secondary storylines at work in this debut police procedural. One of which involves the killing of family pets and may disturb some readers. Intense and very complicated, very graphic at times, One Day You’ll Burn: A Novel  is a different read than a lot of the police procedurals you come across. It is also incredibly good and very much recommended.

For another take on the book, make sure to read Lesa Holstine’s review. I would not have read the book without this review by Lesa. The second book of the series, What Waits For You, is currently scheduled to be released on January 5th.

One Day You’ll Burn: A Novel
Joseph Schneider
Poison Pen Press
February 2020
ISBN# 978-1-4926-8444-2
Paperback (also available in audio and eBook formats)
336 Pages

My read came my way of the Downtown Branch and ultimately to me through the “Library To Go” curbside pickup program at the Lochwood Branch of the Dallas Public Library System.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2020


  1. Excellent review, Kevin. You write so well. I like to see what you cover in a review that I didn't. Thanks, and thank you for linking to my review as well.

  2. Oh, I don't think the review or me is all that. Glad to link to your review as always. Especially here when I read the book because of your review.

  3. Great review, Kevin, and spot on. I loved this book. Disclosure: I've known Joseph Schneider all his life having been friend and TV writing staff colleague to his parents in the 1980s. But I would have loved this book anyway. It's a great and original read.

  4. I knew nothing before seeing Lesa's review. It really worked for me and is not the typical police procedural deal at all. Very much enjoyed it.
