Saturday, August 15, 2020

Mystery Fanfare: HOW TO RELEASE A BOOK IN A PANDEMIC: Guest Post by Jenny Milchman ...

Personal Note: Jenny Milchman is one of my favorite people. The author thing is all well and good and she certainly can write, but, the fact is she is also, as those of us who are of a certain age say, "good people." That means the world to me.)

Mystery Fanfare: HOW TO RELEASE A BOOK IN A PANDEMIC: Guest Post by...: JENNY MILCHMAN: How to Release a Book in a Pandemic  Hi Mystery Fanfare readers! My name is Jenny Milchman, and I write suspense novels...


  1. That was a great article. My youngest is writing a cozy and I'm also writing one for us to release together to see if we can launch her writing career. I don't know if I have any clout or not but it's worth a try.

  2. Hope it works. I would think you have clout.
