Friday, September 25, 2020

Blogger SUCKS!!!!

As Lesa Holstine pointed out earlier this week, the new version of Blogger has issues. She was polite about it. The fact of the matter is that it very much sucks. Among other issues, it is not allowing me to add labels to the posts that went up today as I supposedly have past the blog total label limit of 15K labels.

I have no idea when the limit started. This place has been around nearly 15 years plus, so maybe I did. But deleting some very old posts and their labels earlier this afternoon in a desperation move, did nothing at all to fix the issue. And, of course, there is no point to linking or posting stuff if I can not use labels for the search engines to find. 

Not sure what to do as they  have really ruined things. Maybe this really is a sign to shut down the blog and stop reviewing. 


  1. As my mother used to say, "Of course it does, dear."

  2. Well, Wordpress, for all its "quirks", might be the better alternative now, too. Sad to say. I've already complained about the removal of the established tags menu from (I assume) all B blogs, but since I don't have nearly as many posts, I haven't been handed that Limit Exceeded bullshit yet.

  3. I have looked around for alternatives and it looks like, beyond the tech challenges of trying to move everything, Wordpress is now a deal where you have to pay. I am barely hanging in here as it is and have some medical bills coming.....and maybe a lot and very expensive ones for however long I can hang in if they find what they think they will when I get scoped on the 9th. Paying just really is not an option right now.
