Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The New Deck

From a money standpoint with the medical issues I now I have going on and probably have going on as I await my double barrel scoping and confirmation on October 9, this was not a smart decision. But, I did this anyway for the mental health side of things as sitting outside is one of the few things left that keeps me sane. The grief remains tremendously strong and as we work our way deeper into the fall, I am reminded multiple times a day that this was when we started losing Sandi. Trying to go on without here is brutal and a daily struggle.

Those who have seen the pics from the backyard in weeks and months past, may have realized we were sitting in the grass. That tends to be messy when it rains and often very buggy regardless of the weather. So, I splurged and had a deck built by handyman Curtis Freeman and his team. 

It sits level with the back porch which means I do not have to step up or step down. If I soon wind up back on the walker or in a wheelchair, I should still be able to roll on outside on whatever good days I have. 

It finished drying overnight and Scott moved the stuff back on the deck. I went with 12x16 to have plenty of room. I may end up putting the grill on it as well as the old bench that doubles as a picnic table and currently sits under the old oak tree at the back of the house. 

So, if you are in the Dallas area and want a deck or some other home improvement project, get ahold of Curtis. He lives just across the street from me. He and his guys were always very good to my Mom and has been to me as well these past three years since I came back home. If you want his phone number, email me at kevinrtipple AT verizon DOT net and I will shoot it to you by way of the cyber highway. 

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