Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Review: The Orphan’s Guilt: A Joe Gunther Novel by Archer Mayor

Life has not been kind to John Rust and the latest DWI stop is not going to help matters in The Orphan’s Guilt: A Joe Gunther Novel by Archer Mayor. The arrest brought his lawyer, Scott Jezek, into his latest case. While John Rust is looking at suspension of his driving privileges and jail time, the background of why it happened is important.


Hours earlier that same day before he was arrested, John’s brother, Peter died. He was twenty-eight, severely disabled, and in a near vegetative state at death. For more than ten years, John Rust had cared for his brother under difficult and complicated circumstances. Attorney Jezek is looking at that background to try and figure out a way to blunt the prosecutorial zeal of the state’s It is an election year and being tough on drunk driving seems to be his theme this election year as he tries to convince voters to support him. Jezek wants private investigator Sally Kravitz to look at all the footage of the DUI arrest and see if she sees anything they can use. She does.


Peter’s death also eventually comes to the attention of the Vermont Bureau of Investigation. That happens because Sally Kravitz unearths several things including the possibility that the death of Peter could be the final act in a homicide case that stretches back nearly thirty years. It may be nothing and easily explained or it could be murder. Joe Gunther and his team go to work to prove it one way or another. All cold cases are tough, but this is going to be very difficult.


 The latest in a very long running series, The Orphan’s Guilt: A Joe Gunther Novel by Archer Mayor is another solidly good read. As always in each installment of this series, multiple mysteries and cases are at work. So too are the ongoing relationships at work and at home between the various characters. These reads are part mystery, part police procedural, and part drama and that mix varies in each book. The result is a consistently engaging and interesting series that is always well worth your time. So too is The Orphan’s Guilt.



The Orphan’s Guilt: A Joe Gunther Novel

Archer Mayor


Minotaur Books


September 2020

ISBN# 978-1-250-22414-9

Hardback (also available in audio and eBook formats)

288 Pages 



Material supplied by my childhood reading gateway, Audelia Branch of the Dallas Public Library System


Kevin R. Tipple ©2021

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