Thursday, November 11, 2021

New Trees Planted

The City of Dallas recently offered a free tree to residents to encourage trees being planted across the city. I signed up for one and then signed up for two more free trees via Oncor in partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation. 

In the old days, I would have planted them myself. That is not remotely possible in the here and now so the job had to be hired out. Today, Curtis Freeman and his crew of workers planted them in the front yard. 

We all hope they make it. They are extremely scrawny looking things and nothing like what you see at a local nursery. The guys think two of them will make it for sure. Time will tell. 


  1. Good luck with them, Kevin. The world needs more trees!

  2. Truth. There is only one tree still alive here from my childhood.,

  3. That is a good thing to do and I hope all the trees live. You are lucky to have such a nice yard, we just have a tiny back yard and a couple of beds in the front of our condo. I am too old to deal with a larger yard now anyway, but it is fun to plant in our small areas.

  4. I hire everything done as I can not do any of it and Scott is tremendously allergic to various things as his Mom was.
