Saturday, June 04, 2022

Scott's Take: Moon Knight Vol. 1: The Midnight Mission by Jed Mackay

Once again, Moon Knight has a new status quo, a new supporting cast, and a new writer. Moon Knight Vol. 1: The Midnight Mission, begins after the events of The Age of Khonsu (Moon Knight attacked the Avengers and helped Khonshu take over the world. Eventually he was convinced to flip and side with the Avengers and ultimately helped overthrow Khonshu), his girlfriend has left him and taken their daughter. As part of his deal with the Avengers, Moon Night/ Marc he has a new therapist and is attempting to help people by operating out of the Midnight Mission. People come to him to report things that are weird and horrible and Moon Knight goes out to fight them.

Moon Knight Vol. 1: The Midnight Mission is a complicated book that features lots of action, incredible artwork, and character development. Marc is not in a good place, but that opens him up to an introspective journey. He faces a wide variety of enemies in this volume. From vampires to criminal masterminds, Moon Knight will fight anyone who preys on the people who travel by night. I highly recommend this tale for fans of the Moon Knight character. This series is continued in Moon Knight Vol 2 which is currently uncollected and untitled as the individual comics will continue to come out over the summer.  


My read came from Dad’s old stomping grounds when he was a teen, the Audelia Branch, of the Dallas Public Library System.


Scott A. Tipple © 2022

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