Friday, September 01, 2023

FFB Review: Promises in Death: Eve Dallas Mysteries by J.D. Robb


When you work homicides as Lieutenant Eve Dallas of the New York Police and Security Division does, some deaths hit way harder than others. Not just because of her background and where she came from after, in a sense, being reborn all those years ago in Dallas, Texas. Some hit hard because they, and the people who loved them, are friends and colleagues. Such as in the case in Promises in Death by J.D. Robb.

She is called out to a body in a basement. The responding officers who briefed her as to the scene on their arrival had no idea that the deceased was a fellow officer. She was and her name is Amaryllis Coltrane. She was a detective. Her stunner is missing as is her badge.

She also the girlfriend of the Chief Medical Examiner, Morris. He is devastated to the core of his being. Morris and her were headed towards a future together. Nothing was set in stone, but they both were feeling it, and those who knew them and saw them together, sensed the fact that two people had found each other in a way that only sometimes happens. Somebody has destroyed that and has to pay.

With Eve Dallas and her team on the case, they will.

Promises in Death is another good read in the series. As always, the head hopping point of view is constantly present as are the abrupt scene shifts. So are the romantic interludes, action, and a sense that though it is 2060, thus the future, folks still kill for the classic reasons. One also knows that Dallas is going to get justice, one way or another, as she and others, stand for the dead.

Promises in Death is billed as the 28th book in the series. These are fun reads as there is romance, but more importantly, a heck of a lot of police procedural work going on in each read. They are well worth your time.

As with any series, I suggest reading in order. If you want to do so, start with Naked in Death.



My reading copy was in the digital format via the Dallas Public Library System.


Kevin R. Tipple ©2023

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