Thursday, May 30, 2024

Back Online-For Now

If you saw the news about the weather in Dallas Tuesday morning, you know the city got blasted almost as bad as Houston did a couple of weeks ago. We did not have power for over 34 hours. It came on late yesterday afternoon, and then went out for a while overnight. It is on today and the internet is back. How long this holds, I have no idea, as we have heard transformers blow now and then and there is a storm line headed in that should hit around midday. 

I got sick from the heat yesterday, and am generally, in bad shape. Things are going to be slow in getting back to normal around here. 

But, in good news to this point, Scott is fine, the house is intact, the old big tree stayed upright, and we missed the hail and the possible twister that came through the area. 

Hopefully, things stay the same. With Texas weather, one never knows. 


  1. Wishing you and Scott all the best, although I would thought you'd be smart enough not to piss off the Texas weather gods. Silly me. Stay safe, my friend.

  2. I hope you make it through these dismal weather turns without serious incident.


  3. Hope you have continued to have power. Internet is very good but in summer air conditioning is better so if you only get to have one I hope it is air conditioning. So glad you and Scott are safe.

  4. Thank you all. Stormed much of the day and we had lots of power flickers.

    Next wave is supposed to be here around 3 AM.

