Sunday, May 26, 2024

Guest Post: SECOND – OR FOURTH? – CHANCES by Kathleen Marple Kalb, author of A FATAL RECEPTION

Please welcome Kathleen back to the blog today….



By Kathleen Marple Kalb, author of A FATAL RECEPTION


            I’m terrible at giving up.

            That’s the easiest way to explain why the Ella Shane Mystery Series is picking up at Level Best Books. It’s not the first time I’ve flatly refused to quit, either in my writing career or my day job as a radio news anchor. But seeing this fourth Ella book, A FATAL RECEPTION, come out into the world at a new home, with a dream-come-true cover is an incredibly sweet victory.

            The series features an Irish-Jewish Lower East Side orphan who found fame and fortune as a Gilded Age opera diva known for “trouser,” or male soprano, roles. I like to say Ella is part Anne of Green Gables, part Beverly Sills, part Errol Flynn, and all her own woman. She’s definitely not like any other amateur sleuth you’ve read – and she’s a lot of fun.

            Unfortunately, she’s had a rocky ride.  

            The first time around, it was a long trip to publication, with 200 rejections over three projects, most of it during a family health crisis, and finally, a lockdown debut: April 2020. Some great early reviews, nice support from my radio colleagues, and then the brick wall of Covid.

            As a working journalist, I’m deadline-oriented, so after I finished the third book on the contract, I started writing the fourth, just in case.  And maybe hoping if I had it, I’d need it.

            No surprise, I didn’t need it for Kensington. No hard feelings – with my sales, I’d have dropped me, too!

            But I couldn’t let it sit on my computer forever – I loved it too much. A FATAL RECEPTION uses a wedding as a frame for two mystery plots, plus plenty of fun with Victorian mores, Gilded Age snobbery, and even a wink at Titanic, because why not? In short, a good ride with a strong mystery backbone, solid historical background, and characters who I liked too much to let go. Plus a scene from a Civil War veteran’s funeral that I really loved – edited excerpt below.

            By early 2023, I had a new series in the works at Level Best (the Old Stuff mysteries) and my then-agent was retiring. It made sense to ask him to offer A FATAL RECEPTION to Level Best, just on the off-chance they might be interested.

            I was prepared for a no.

            Maybe even ready to admit it was time to walk away.

            But they liked it. And even wanted to give the series another try. Three books’ worth.

            So here we are. Ella Shane is heading down the aisle to wedded bliss, and new adventures to come. The second – fourth? – chance I never expected.

            The writing lesson? You never know. So if you love it, don’t give up.




We all bowed our heads, as the minister intoned a simple final prayer, with the same professional calm as the rest, and then, for a measure or so, there was nothing but the sound of the pallbearers’ booted feet.

            I could feel the men beside me tensing, all carefully hanging on to demeanor in the near, and nearly unbearable, silence.

And then, suddenly, ripping through the quiet like the first shot must have done on a humid July morning at Gettysburg, a raspy, impossibly ancient voice, intoning:

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord....

“The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Because there could be nothing else. On the second line, several others joined in, all older gentlemen and veterans too:

He is trampling out the vintage where the Grapes of Wrath are stored...

As he reached the last word, Preston patted my arm and nodded to me, and I joined him:

He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword...

Then, encouraged by Preston and the others, Tommy, Gil and the rest of the congregation began to sing along as well:

His truth is marching on...

Glory, Glory Hallelujah!

Now everyone was singing, except a few society women, who looked genuinely confused and offended. Lorimer’s protegee put her hand on her heart as the casket passed, proudly singing through her tears. So did his sons, both clearly doing as their father had taught them.

The veterans, singing one more lost comrade out, were no longer aged and decrepit but alight with pride. All standing straight, carrying the spirit and the memory of those who never came home.

As we reached the final chorus, the congregation marched after the family, onto the church steps, now more proclaiming than singing as we went:

Glory, Glory Hallelujah!

Glory, Glory Hallelujah!

Glory, Glory Hallelujah!

His Truth is Marching On!

As the last notes faded in the heavy June air, the cadets gently placed the casket in the hearse, standing together for one last silent salute.

God give him rest.


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Kathleen Marple Kalb ©2024


Kathleen Marple Kalb describes herself as an Author/Anchor/Mom…not in that order. An award-winning weekend anchor at New York’s 1010 WINS Radio, she writes short stories and novels including A Fatal Reception and the Old Stuff series, both from Level Best Books. As Nikki Knight, she writes the Grace the Hit Mom and Vermont Radio mysteries. Her stories have appeared in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, Black Cat Weekly, and others, and been short-listed for Derringer and Black Orchid Novella Awards. She’s currently the Vice President of the Short Mystery Fiction Society and a co-VP of the New York/Tri-State Chapter of Sisters in Crime. She, her husband, and son live in a Connecticut house owned by their cat. Website:


  1. Thank you, Kevin, for giving me the opportunity to talk up the reboot!

  2. Thank you for being here.
