Saturday, May 18, 2024

Scott's Take: X-Men: Season One by Dennis Hopeless

X-Men: Season One by Dennis Hopeless, released in March 2012, is part of a series of books under the “Season One” tagline. These reads are designed to be a modern expansion of the origins of various heroes. Instead of totally rewriting the origins of the characters, the goal here is to add to the original origin story.


In this case, readers begin with the first team of X-Men gathered by Professor X. This story is told mostly through the perspective of Jean Grey, the first female X-Men, as she learns to accept her gifts and learns to become part of a team. The team consists of Angel (rich pretty boy with wings), Iceman (team jokester with ice powers), Cyclops (closed off team leader who skills is launching concussive blasts from out of his eyes), and Beast (genius with superhuman physical abilities). Jean, Cyclops, and Angel have a teen love triangle because that is what high school age teens do when not doing superhero stuff. The usual teen love triangle drama ensues as they face off against Magneto, Unus the Untouchable, and others.


The art is pretty cool and displays the action well. It also does a good job of illustrating the character moments well too. There is drama, action, and character exploration as the team struggles to find themselves as individuals as well as work together as a team. This is a good story for people who want to explore the early days of the first X-Men team in the comics.


Overall, I highly enjoyed this read.


Amazon Associate Purchase Link:


My reading copy came from the North Oak Cliff Branch of the Dallas Public Library System.


Scott A. Tipple ©2024

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