Saturday, June 01, 2024

Scott's Take: Play of Shadows by Sebastien De Castell


Play of Shadows by Sebastien De Castell is the first book of the Court of Shadows series. It could easily be considered as the fifth book in the Greatcoat series since it is set in the same universe. but it is designed to be a standalone series.


Damelas Chademantaigne was supposed to be in a duel to the death. Instead, he flees and does not face the famed killer, The Vixen, because of an obscure law. If one is a member of a company of actors, they do not have to fight in duels to the death, as long as they remain a member of the company. He is able to convince the company to take pity on him and protect him from the vicious killer.


He is able to remain safe for over a year until one night when he is performing a play and starts changing the lines from what they are supposed to be. He does not remember performing the different lines, however the local Duke does. He wants Damelas to continue to perform this new version for his own reasons.


At the same time, a local group of self-styled law enforcement folks, basically a gang, named the Iron Orchids, want him to shut up and stop. Both sides are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goal.


This is one of the strangest books I have read this year though it was quite enjoyable. The main character goes through lots of character development in this book. There is violence, humor, action, and the world that Damelas lives in is not a very nice one.


I can’t say much more as I otherwise run the risk of ruining the novel. Like any novel by Sebastien De Castell, the jacket cover copy does not really explain what happens in the book.


The intro was a little slow, but I am glad I stuck with it. To be honest, I probably would not have if I was not such a fan of Sebastien’s previous work. I did not like Damelas at the beginning, but by the end of novel I did. The theater aspects made the book drag at the beginning, but they got a lot better as it went.


There is a sequel currently titled, Lady of the Blade, with an unknown release date. The ending here sets up a very interesting sequel that should better than this one.


Amazon Associate Purchase Link:


My reading copy came from the Downtown Branch of the Dallas Public Library System.


Scott A. Tipple ©2024

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