Saturday, June 22, 2024

Scott's Take: Predator vs Wolverine by Benjamin Percy

Predator vs Wolverine by Benjamin Percy and several artists has the two featured characters fighting across decades in each issue for a total of four issues. That’s the story. Its not a complicated read, but it is a fun read. There is a constant shuffling of artists and time periods showing different fights throughout their history in this standalone read.


The other X-Men show up near the end in various cameos in the late stages of the read. Benjamin Percy still writes a really good wolverine. The art styles are very different and most of the time do a good job of depicting the story.


There will be a standalone sequel coming this year titled Predator vs Black Panther as they clash. Aliens vs Avengers is also coming. Since Disney now owns the rights to both franchises they are available for crossovers. 


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My reading copy came from the White Rock Hills Branch of the Dallas Public Library System.


Scott A. Tipple ©2024 

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