Friday, July 19, 2024

No FFB Review Today-- Doctor Visit Instead

By the time this post appears, I should be at, or very near, the doctor's office. I went last Tuesday, over a week ago, to have my left ear looked at after various over the counter things did not help. Turned out that I had a left ear drum infection and the ear canal was also swollen and infected. I did not know one could get their ear canal infected, but I did it. A five day dose pack of antibiotics was prescribed as were ear drops. 

Due to how late in the day it was after the doc, I had to wait till Wednesday to get the pills and start them. I did not get the ear drops until late Thursday as they were on a truck and it took awhile. 

Nothing has worked. I still have more ear drops, and am continuing to do that, but nothing is happening. So, it is back to the doc today to see what will be the new plan. 


  1. Kevin, that must be painful and discouraging. I hope this visit to the doctor is successful.
