Saturday, December 07, 2024

Scott's Take: The Bat-Man 1: First Knight by Dan Jurgens, Illustrator Mike Perkins

The Bat-Man 1: First Knight by Dan Jurgens, illustrated by Mike Perkins, is an eleseworld’s tale set in 1939 where a rookie Batman is dealing with fascism on the rise in his city. The effects of the great depression are still being felt. Someone is targeting city officials for assassination. The assassins are all criminals who were executed by the electric chair, but somehow have come back to life. Who is behind these crimes and how are the dead risen again? It is up to Batman and Jim Gordon to try to stop the violence.


This elseworld’s tale is billed as “pulp-influenced noir.” I am not sure it is very noir, but it is very pulp. This is a fun read with art that, for the most part, works. I enjoyed this read, but it does play it very safe. This Batman, for the most part, is not very different than your typical Batman. His personality remains the same which seems a shame. One would think that being raised in the thirties would change his perspective compared to most mainstream Batman’s being born much later. It is only three issues but the issues are oversized. Hopefully, if there is a sequel, more can be done to take advantage of the time period.

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My reading copy came by way of the Hoopla App through the Dallas Public Library System.


Scott A. Tipple ©2024

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