Saturday, January 11, 2025

Scott's Take: Absolute Power by Mark Waid (Author), Dan Mora (Illustrator)

Absolute Power by Mark Waid (Author), Dan Mora (Illustrator) is the latest big event in the DC Universe. I read this in the DC infinite app since the trade is not out yet. I have only read some of the tie ins because I am on the lower tier subscription so they have not unlocked all of them yet. For some reason, someone at DC thought it would be a good idea to only allow people to read some of the tie ins and just wait for the rest even though the main series is over.


In this action-packed event, the heroes of the world are depowered by a Trinity of Evil composed of Failsafe (evil Batman robot), Brainaic Queen, and Amanda Waller. This book takes storylines from Batman, Superman, Titans, Green Arrow and more to make this event. The world is turned against them as the civilian population falls for fake footage showing the heroes massacring civilians across the world. Because of the fake footage some heroes, such as Animal Man and his young daughter, are outright attacked by angry mobs.


Around the same time, the heroes are also attacked by numerous Amazos (robots who have power stealing abilities) that take their powers away from them. Despite the wide variety of powers in the DC universe, the Amazos can copy everyone, including the Spectre who is powered by the wrath of God. (I know that makes little sense, but just go with it.) The surviving heroes including a critically injured Superman retreat to the Fortress of Solitude to plan their next move. Things only go worse from there for the heroes.


This is a good story for people who like action sequences and pretty art. It’s rushed since a lot of the important bits are done in the tie ins between issues. A lot of the tie in stuff I read made me feel that the material was important enough to include in the main title.

The heroes become a resistance movement against Waller. There is a ton of heroes involved in this tale. Some heroes get the shaft because there is pretty much everyone in it.


Also, this is a nitpick, but how Wonder Woman’s team is attacked in the main series vs her own tie in series is depicted differently. There are major differences. I liked both action scenes for different reasons, but they are different and the battles are different. For example, in the main series Wonder Woman team is watching the tv while Waller rants vs in her tie in, everyone is playing cards together. Obviously, her team loses in both, so the main takeaway is they got their butts kicked. But this continuity problem is not just in the setup, but the actual fights as well.


Absolute Power has huge ramifications for the DC universe as things are not the same afterwards.


This book helps set up the ongoing DC All In relaunch as the Justice League finally returns in their own storyline. The first issues are out now for that with the trade to follow later this year. The DC universe is going “all in” with every major book being relaunched with a new status quo and a fresh start. All books are supposed to be new reader friendly. One of the biggest affected is the main Superman title.


Currently, The DC Infinite app is giving the first issues of each relaunch early to all subscribers. Several new series spin out from Absolute Power by Mark Waid (Author), Dan Mora (Illustrator) besides the Justice League one, are a new Black Lightning title, Justice Society title, and a new Question title. I have enjoyed several of these new reads as well. The DC Universe is significantly shaken up with these new parameters and every writer involved is finding new venues to explore and entertain.


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As noted, I read this material, before the scheduled February release, by way of the DC Unlimited app.  


Scott A. Tipple ©2025

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