Thursday, June 09, 2011

Thursday Update

We finally got word late today that Sandi was cleared for surgery on Monday. The CT scan was to determine how much fluid she has around her lungs. The fluid showed up as shadows on the x-ray and they wanted a further check to evaluate whether or not she had fluid around her heart and how much fluid was around the lungs. Heart is fine fluid wise. Lungs do have pockets of fluid around both but not to the level that will interfere with the surgery or the anaesthesia.

So, at this point she is scheduled for surgery Monday. They will double check the insurance in the morning and recalculate how much we have to come up with to have the surgery.

Also, some unspecified time tomorrow afternoon, two therapist folks will deliver some sort of knee exercise machine and crutches for post operative treatment. Both Sandi and I will get trained on the use of cructhes (think we have that down already) and how to operate the knee flexing machine.

I offered to do the same thing as the machine but Sandi said no. She says no a lot. I am hoping the surgery will address that too.


  1. Prayers as always for you and Sandi. We'll see how the surgery affects your wife's vocal chords. I'm guessing not much.

  2. I suspect you are correct, sir. lol
