Wednesday, June 08, 2011

The Week So Far

The week so far has meant a lot of time in the offices of various doctors and imaging centers. Thanks to some very shocking generosity by mail from a wonderful person who shall not be named, Sandi has been able to pay for some very expensive tests that suddenly became necessary in the last couple of days. What was supposed to be very routine created a couple of things that raised big red flags and have to be checked.

So, at this point, we await results from a ct scan that was done yesterday afternoon on her chest. We are not sure what they are looking for. We also don't know if the surgery will get the go ahead for Monday as apparently something turned up on the chest x-ray and that resulted in the emergency ct scan.

And so we wait......


  1. Prayers to you both.

  2. Thinking about you and your family.

  3. Thank you, Peg. Much Appreciated.

  4. Thank you, Pat. Thinking a lot about you as well and hoping things are better.
