Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I have received notification that I have been again denied soical secuirty disabiluty. The next step is for me to appeal the decision, fill out yet more paperwork telling them how bad off I am, and then appear before an Admisntrative Law Judge for some hearing at a later date.

I'm obviously going to have to retain counsel to fight for me as anyone who is around me knows without question I am disabled.


  1. Frustrating--A massive understatement.

  2. I hope you find a lawyer that specializes in
    Social Security Disability cases.

  3. My wife and I went through this fight over 20 years ago. She eventually won, and then 3 years later they took it back and made us pay back every penny, even though she's 100% handicapped. Then, lo and behold, we get a notice last year that during an audit, they realized they did it all in error and owed us back pay for 2 decades. A happy ending, but a cautionary tale about government ineptitude. You're in our prayers. Just keep fighting.

  4. I think Jerry just took the words out of my mouth. More prayers coming your direction.

  5. This is such an unbelievable crock! I know someone on disability who, though he has some definite issues, physical and emotional, isn't incapacitated and is capable of working. He's not dishonest, doesn't think he's defrauding anyone, but he's the most completely unmotivated person I've ever known, and at 44 refuses to grow up and take responsibility for his own life. So he applied for and eventually received monthly disability payments.

    Yet here we have Kevin and Sandi, who are responsible and who do want to work, but who have legitimate and extremely serious medical issues, being denied assistance yet again.

    A pox on the bureaucratic a-holes who keep denying them.
