Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Barry's Book Sale

Barry has posted the below message elsewhere this morning. Since he has and things are very desperate I am reposting it here......

I've been adding (and will continue to add) to the lists of books I'm offering for sale at http://www.barryergangbooksforsale.yolasite.com/

Over the weekend I added quite a few in several categories, but especially in Poetry, which I'll be adding more to this afternoon. In case you've forgotten, I contribute 20% of the price of the books to Kevin Tipple's family's fund, so if you make a purchase for yourself, you're also helping out Kevin.

He and his family are down to crunch-time, folks. They're on the verge of being homeless. Try though they repeatedly have, they've been unable to get any assistance other than food stamps from the state of Texas. *Please* help them if you can either by buying some books from me or, preferably, by contributing directly to his fund, which you'll see on the left-hand side of his blog page:

Thank you.


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