Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sandi Yesterday....

at the hospital getting her blood transfusion. This is inside the infusion room which is down the hall from where her room was during the last round of chemo. When she has the chemotherapy they set it up inside her hopsital room as the space in the infusion room is very limited.

I took the picture just minutes after they started the first unit of blood for her. The purple pile you see next to her right arm is yarn going into a chemo hat that will be donated once it is finished.

Sandi is feeling a little better this afternoon and has transferred this picture and some other things to me so that I can start putting them up on the blog.


  1. Glad she can smile. Gotta love that spirit.

  2. She is still fighting.

  3. She looks great under any circumstances. Glad for you both.

  4. Thanks, Randy. One small thing in her favor is that her port, which is on the left side this time, is not hurting her like it did when it was in the right side of her chest. She had excruciating pain from it before and this one bothers her only occasionally and not nearly at the same level.

  5. Yea, I've had a port in my chest before.

  6. Not exactly a fun thing.
