Saturday, March 16, 2013

This Is What Happened....

earlier this afternoon when your wife is playing with her camera while you are sitting around in old clothes busy working on reviews. I had two done and was working on the third when she started popping pictures.

Typing is hard most days and wears me out fairly quickly so I write reviews out longhand and then, when she is up to it, Sandi types them out for me. She gives them back to me and I clean them up before I post as she has hard time reading my scribbles. One of the signs things have gotten worse for me is the fact my handwriting continues to deteriorate. For now the system we have works, but, that is why sometimes you see a big delay between posting of reviews.

Because of the winds today I never heard her camera go. She also got this on the bank below the apartment porch....


  1. We're really not able to spend a day out in the sun yet in Ohio, but Spring will arrive. Glad you were able to take advantage of the sun, even if a bit of wind was about.

    Always cool to see a picture of turtles.

  2. It is coming, Terry, it is coming.
