Monday, July 13, 2020

Monday Evening

The latest news is that Scott has had a bit of a setback. He has developed some sort of deal where muscles start dissolving and release stuff into the blood stream that will significantly damage kidneys and a lot of other stuff. They think they have control of it and are working to turn things around.

While he is desperate to come home, the situation is serious so he is definitely going to be in a couple of more days and most likely longer than that. As you can see, he is now able to work his phone and do stuff and he has his iPad so that helps a little bit from the morale standpoint.

For now, despite the strain on the hospital from the pandemic, they are trying to let visitors see non COVID 19 patients from 3-5 each day. This means that, for now, I can get in there and see him each day. That helps a lot as his deal is very complicated and he is upset and overwhelmed.

And, yes, he is not masked for three reasons. Per their protocols as he is in his own room, he does not need to be masked. They also do not want him masked as they need to see his lips and the area right around them as some changes in change or color could happen there before the blood work showed it. A face shield would let air leak around it anyway so they do not do that. They also need to see him speak as, until today, he was slurring his words.

Does it all make sense? No. Since early March before the official lock down, we did everything we possible could to avoid exposure. Now, since Thursday, we both have had emergency situations which have resulted in our having to be in the worst possible environment for exposure: a hospital. I am worried about it, but we had no choice.


  1. Never heard of such a thing before. Stay strong.

  2. I'm sure the hospital has carefully weighed the risks and benefits for Scott during this pandemic. I'm glad you are able to visit him no matter how imperfect the circumstances, Kevin. Please let Scott know that a lot of people are wishing him the best.

  3. Hang in and keep fighting, Scott. You can beat this thing!

  4. Glad you can be with him some. It makes a difference--for both of you.

  5. It helps. Things are tough enough.

  6. I too am very glad you can visit Scott. It sounds likes he is better in some ways but still the situation is worrisome. Take care of yourself.

  7. Glad you can visit him, Kevin. Stay strong!

  8. So glad you can visit him, for both your sakes. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Scott and tell him that I am counting on his graphic novel reviews to keep me up to date with what is going on in that genre.
