Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday Evening

Sorry this update is so late, but I took another fall when I came in from the hospital and that kind of set everything back. I do not know if this is one of those falling spells I do or something else. I am very tired of it. I a, a bit banged up right now.

Scott is doing a bit better. He has been moved out of ICU and up to the fourth floor where there is telemetry monitoring. They are continuing to watch his heart and blood pressure as well as his kidney function. They continue to be giving him shots to prevent blood clots as well as seizures. They think they can start dialing that back a little IF his current lab work trends continue. He does seem to be more aware  of  his surroundings. So, I think he is on the right track at this point.

I very much appreciate all  the thoughts, prayers, and expressions of support and he does too. I  am sorry I have not been able to reply to everyone here  or elsewhere, but, right now, I am pretty worn out, in pain, and sick, and trying to cope with everything. I used to be able to handle a lot of simultaneous stuff when Sandi was still here with us. Since then, I have not been able to do so.

I have brought this up to a couple of  the nurses that were working on me Friday evening as well as a couple of ones that were treating Scott. I was told that it is not at all uncommon and is probably a direct result of grief over Sandi. More than one stressed to me that massive grief does not have an end point that I have to find a  way of  dealing with it and  need to get some help once I start feeling better and up to it. They also think that even though my normal nature is  to self isolate, being forced by the pandemic to do so as well is not helping either one of  us. The fact that I am high risk and stressed by news reports is also not helpful.

Anyway, that is what I know to this point. I am hoping we keep power on tonight and I get a better night of sleep. When I rolled out to the hospital, I saw numerous power crews scattered across the area as I made the fifteen minute drive over to the hospital. Many of those crews were still working at their same spots when I came back. Tonight I continue to see flashing lights from crews as they drive by the house. I think we were very lucky to get power back as quick as we did.


  1. Please email or call if you think I can help. Thinking of you.

  2. Kevin, I am so sorry to hear this. I hope that this morning finds Scott still stable. Thank you for keeping us updated. I hadn't been checking much of anything lately as I try to get back into a routine. You have really been through the wringer.

  3. As I said, Kevin, we're praying for both you and Scott. Thank you for updating us.

  4. Some good advice there it seems. Glad to hear the good news about Scott, but not so happy about another fall. We are all keeping you both in our thoughts.

  5. Thanks for keeping us updated. I am glad to hear more positive news about Scott, but sad to hear that you are suffering so much.
