Saturday, November 25, 2006

Reviewing: "Death Is Not An Option" by Gary R. Hoffman

Prescott “Rawhide” Hunters works and lives in Mexico Beach, Florida. His boss, who owns an RV park there is Jimmy Rangus. Fleeing a messy divorce five years ago, Prescott had ended up parking his small trailer at the rear of the lot where it has pretty much sat ever since. In exchange for rent for his spot and a small paycheck, Prescott washes and preps RV’s as well as minor repairs and runs errands for parts and drives them as needed. In short, his job is a gofer which allows him plenty of time to think as well as pursue his other occupation.

He also works part time as a Bounty Hunter. As it happens, two former RV customers are wanted for bank robbery and there is a 20k reward for their capture and conviction. Before long, in a borrowed RV, Prescott Hunter is on the trail looking for the wanted pair. By doing so, he ultimately puts not only himself but also his girlfriend into the target sights of a former arrestee who is plotting his own form of revenge.

The result is an interesting read that moves slowly forward as readers follow a multi layered character through his daily life. Actual bounty hunting makes up a small part of the 213 page novel released through PublishAmerica. Instead, most of the story involves Prescott’s various experiences as a worker at the RV park and the occasional occurrence that seems to possibly indicate someone is stalking him. Those readers expecting more of a TV style bounty hunting experience may be solely disappointed by a novel that features very little bounty hunting and is more focused on relationships and one man’s persistent endurance each day.

By Gary R. Hoffman
ISBN 1-4241-0956-6
Large Trade Paperback

Kevin R. Tipple © 2006

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