Saturday, July 22, 2023

Scott's Take: Secret Warriors Vol. 1: Nick Fury, Agent of Nothing by Brian Michael Bendis and Jonathan Hickman

Secret Warriors Vol. 1: Nick Fury, Agent of Nothing by Brian Michael Bendis and Jonathan Hickman is the first volume in a series set after the comic book event Secret Invasion. This read follows Nick Fury and his Secret Warriors. The Secret Warriors are powered individuals that he recruited originally to fight the Skrulls. Nick Fury now has them in hiding after S.H.I.E.L.D was disbanded and publicly blamed for the Skrull invasion. S.H.I.E.L.D was replaced by HAMMER led by Norman Osborn aka the Green Goblin. Nick Fury knows that HYDRA infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D and is sure they have infiltrated HAMMER as well. So, Daisy Johnson aka Quake and others are being trained to take down HYDRA while trying to not get caught by HAMMER.

Featuring great art, the usual Hickman complicated graphs, and organization plans. HYDRA is a well-developed evil organization with multiple leaders. Nick Fury is his usual shady self while being a jerk to everyone one. He’s one of the good guys, but not one of the nice guys. This is a fun beginning to this series. I look forward to reading volume 2.


My reading copy came by way of the Libby/Hoopla App and the Dallas Public Library System.


Scott A. Tipple ©2023

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