Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Short Story Wednesday Review: Guilty Crime Story Magazine: Issue 8, Spring 2023: The Detective Annual


Editor/Publisher Brandon Barrows opens Guilty Crime Story Magazine: Issue 8, Spring 2023: The Detective Annual with his story, “Too Late: A Sam Harrigan Story.” Private Investigator Sam Harrigan hired a few hours earlier by Edith Lindell to protect her son, Scott Lindell. She knew he was in trouble. Protection wasn’t what he did. And according to mom, the cops wouldn’t help. Harrington needed the money as business has been slow so he took the job and only promised to look into whether or not he was in danger. The fact that Detective-Sergeant John Del Rio is at the guy’s house, as are a number of police cars with flashing lights, indicates that he was. and Harrigan was far too late.


Retired Homicide Detective Gene Zeller has made it his mission to warn women involved with Del Hanlon about him. He knows without a shadow of doubt that Anne Carstairs and Debra Sykes were murdered by him shortly after each married him. In each case, Del Hanlon gained quite a lot of money through the death. Zeller is sure that Vickie Benson is Hanlon’s next target in “Taking the Hit” by Joseph S. Walker.


In “Jenga” by Robb White, a former cop, now a private investigator, does not have a lot going on when sees a news report regarding the anniversary of the disappearance of Maggie Clegg. It has been ten years since she vanished from a local bar in the Atlanta area. She was studying veterinary medicine at a local college. Three young men in the bar that night attended the same college and were cleared in the weeks afterward. Her father marked the anniversary of the disappearance of his daughter by committing suicide. Our private investigator decides to get some answers. The plan is to find those three guys, wherever they are now, and personally interview them.


How do you find a missing body first buried three years ago? That is the question in “Magic Coffin” by Peter DiChellis. Ms. Jazmin Romanya and a number of others at graveside witnessed her husband buried three years ago. Viktor Romanya was a master illusionist before his death. Now, due to the events in recent days, his grave has been opened. She does not know what happened to his body and was the narrating private investigator to find him. Easier said than done in a case of magic and misdirection.


A bullet in the knee several years ago left Dwight Ashcroft with a permeant limp and a fifty percent disability. He had to leave the police force and become a private investigator. Since he can’t shadow people, he gets help on some cases by our narrator who does the necessary walking and surveillance. Our narrator, Don, gets a wakeup call in “Queen of Spades” by Steve Liskow as their latest case begins. Terrence Whitmore is the head accountant for Beck and Baur, the biggest contractor around. Beck is fifty percent sure that Whitmore is stealing money from the company and wants proof.


In the final story of the issue, Detective Tom Keegan had a rough weekend in “Sausalito” by M.E. Proctor. When he walks into the office Monday, his partner, Al “Matt” Matteotti, informs him that things are about to get way worse. For the last ten days, every cop on the force has been looking for little eight-year-old Melanie Hightower. It was thought to be a ransom case as her father is very wealthy. Instead, her body has just been found in this historical mystery set shortly after World War II and Keegan and Matteotti have to work the case.


As always, Guilty Crime Story Magazine delivers tales of crime and mystery where the good guys are not perfect, not even necessarily good, and are doing the best they can to survive and live with the way things are as opposed to the way they wish the world worked. Such is the case here in this eighth issue. Just like in real life, the detectives don’t always get there in time to save the people involved. They can get some sort of justice and they do so in Guilty Crime Story Magazine: Issue 8, Spring 2023: The Detective Annual.

The Amazon Associate image purchase box is not working so please pick up your copy here


According to Amazon, I picked this up in April 2023 by way of funds in my Amazon Associate account.



Kevin R. Tipple ©2024

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