Saturday, May 11, 2024

Scott's Take: Aquaman: Andromeda by Ram V

 Aquaman: Andromeda by Ram V,  Illustrator Christian Ward, is part of the Black Label line of the DC Universe. This read is designed for adult readers and is supposed to be a stand-alone book in its own universe. In this tale, Aquaman is more of a periphery character, despite the fact that he is prominently billed. While he is the hero in the book, his role is very limited and he is by no means the central character. 


The book is about the crew of an ocean dwelling vessel that is sent to investigate a sunken alien like structure under water. Things go wrong and Black Manta is also involved. Aquaman does hero things and tries to save everyone from themselves.


This is a horror book, but not very scary in my opinion. The horror is rather tame despite the Black Label designation. The art is really good and depicts several amazing aquatic scenes. The characters are interesting if not fully developed because of the short length of the book. I wish Black Manta and Aquaman played bigger roles in this. They are depicted as basically being larger than life characters so their screen time is limited. The screen time they are used in is good, but the focus is on ordinary people of the crew and not the big-time hero/villain.


While this is a fun book, it is not really an Aquaman book. While it is supposed to be a horror book, I found the horror elements rather tame. If one has experience with any Lovecraftian horror, then the elements here are not very innovative or unique. It’s easy not to be afraid when you have seen this type of thing before.


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My hardback reading copy came from the Lakewood Branch of the Dallas Public Library System.


Scott A. Tipple ©2024

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