Sunday, December 29, 2024

Keep A Good Thought If You Will

Keep a good thought if you will as I am about to make even more medical debt--- 

I had a flash of light in my left eye Thursday evening and then it was like looking through tissue paper or a really dirty window. I see long strands of something that looks like hair hanging from top to bottom surrounded by dirty looking debris. I have had floaters since High School and this looks nothing like have seen before. I just had an eye exam three weeks ago and this never came up. Trying not to panic. Calling eye doc in the morning.


pattinase (abbott) said...

Thinking of you, Kevin. I have a twitch beginning to worry me.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

So sorry, Patti.

Jerry House said...

Hope all turns out well.

Lorie Temple said...

Be sure to call eye doctor tomorrow. I had something similar in each eye almost one year apart-called a vitreous detachment- not serious - due to aging. Call doctor tho just to make sure it is not something more complicated

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Thank you, Jerry and Lorie..... I pushed to get in today, but they were very firm it is not an emergency. I suspect that is because my vision--ignoring the floaters and debris stuff-- is not worse. My vision otherwise in that eye is normal me and is not blurry. I also am not having multiple flashes. I just had the one Thursday evening. I specifically asked if I needed to get to ER and they said absolutely not. I explained I am a basket case. It was emphasized that I am fine and they will see me in the morning and not to worry.

As if.