Sunday, August 08, 2010

Mobile Entertainment

Stretched out on the floor and watching the Cowboys play some no name team in the annual Hall of Fame game. Commercials featuring vans seem to be popular tonight with every van coming equipped with TV and headphones to keep the little darlings entertained.

You know, we never had those options when I was a kid in the backseat. Entertainment was a book and/or the view out the windows. And we liked it, damn it!


Terry W. Ervin II said...

I hear you. Same when I was a kid. No seat belts either, and we'd wait for my dad to make a turn and we'd 'accidentally' slide over and smash the person against the door (4 kids you see).

But I have two girls now, and they do watch DVDs or play DS games when we take long trips while I and my wife listen to the radio or audiobooks. Family lives anywhere from a 2.5 to a 10 hour distance.

My older daughter gets carsick when she reads. My younger one is only beginning to read, and looks at books for a while--usually 15 minutes--and then does something else for a while.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

We had seat belts but one could lean over and still crush the brother.

That, and reach over and poke really quick and then sit back and play all innocent.

Larry W. Chavis said...

Same here, and I still do. Fortunately, my wife likes to drive (since I had a close call some years back involving a curve and a rain-slick highway). So, I pack along a briefcase full of books and magazines whenever we are driving - never know what I might want at any given point.

My students, though ... some have probably only read the books required in their English classes.