Saturday, January 09, 2021

Scott's Take: Titan’s Shade (The Carter Archives Book 2) by Dan Stout

Titan’s Day by Dan Stout is the second book in the series that began with Titanshade. This book continues The Carter Archives which features Carter and Ajax who are a human and alien crime fighting duo that investigate murders on Titan. After the events of the first book, things should be way better for the locals. Except things are never as simple as they should be. Set six weeks after the first book Carter and Ajax have finally gotten off desk duty and back to work. Carter is still dealing with lingering problems thanks to events in the first book while there is a growing anti federal movement.


A young girl is murdered in an alley and her body is then horribly mutilated. It is up to Ajax and Carter to figure out who killed her while facing constant interference by the media, politics, and bureaucracy. Everyone has an agenda in this novel. The only ones who seem to care that a girl was murdered is Ajax and Carter. Everyone else seems to want to use the fact that Ajax and Carter are now considered heroes for their own uses and seemingly do not care about the murder. The city is on edge and Titan’s Day is coming up which is the biggest holiday for everyone on Titan.


One of the best parts of this book is that everything good about the first book continues here and is built upon in this read. There are connections between the first book and this one that cover big things as well as little things. Because so much is going on here based on events of the first book, it makes going into detail here problematic without creating spoilers. Suffice it to say, Carter is fundamentally changed by the first book and he is not the only one as characters evolve and relationships change. What remains constant across the series is the fact that there is plenty of action, humor, and mystery.


The third book in the series is titled Titan’s Day and is scheduled for publication on April 6, 2021.



Titan’s Shade (The Carter Archives Book 2)

Dan Stout

Daw Books (Penguin Random House)

April 2020

ISBN# 978-0-7564-1489-4


432 Pages (also available in eBook and paperback formats)



Material supplied by the good folks of our branch, Lochwood Library, of the Dallas Public Library System. 


Scott A. Tipple ©2021

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