Saturday, December 23, 2023

Scott's Take: Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths by Joshua Williamson


Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths by Joshua Williamson (Author), Daniel Sampere (Illustrator) collects the main titles for this event. The tie ins which are referenced throughout the book in little dialog boxes saying go to this boor or that to continue the plot thread are not collected here.


In this event, the most of the members of Justice League are murdered. With every villain on the planet knowing the Justice League is dead, the bad guys have declared open season on every remaining hero. Deathstroke is leading an army of villains with one simple mission--- kill every hero. It’s up to the sidekicks and legacy heroes to save the world. Led by Nightwing and Superman’s son, can the remaining heroes protect the planet?


Featuring heroes like Supergirl, Black Adam, Damian Wayne,  Hal Jordan (one of the few big name justice league members who survived as he was not part of the current team), and others,  the spotlight is on the lower profile heroes than the usual main heroes of the DC Universe. The art is epic and really showcased in the massive number of great fights. Early on readers are treated to Nightwing going hand to hand with Deathstorke as well as Jon Kent having to face off with Cyborg Superman. Those are just two of the early fights that are featured in this book.


There are also some really emotional moments like Nightwing leading a candle light vigil for the fallen heroes while Supergirl holds Lois Lane up. Or when Hal Jordan learns that all of his friends are dead after returning from outer space and looking for his former teammates. The return of another superhero team that has not been used in a long time is handled incredibly well.


The plot is rushed a bit in this stand alone read. The tie ins are where they really let the events breath better. Overall, this is a pretty cool event book if you like the lower profile heroes with cool cameos with various smaller heroes like Frankstein (yes, that Frankstein) and more. 


My reading copy came from the Central or Downtown Branch of the Dallas Public Library System.


Scott A. Tipple ©2023 

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