Saturday, August 10, 2024

Scott's Take: Jessica Jones: Playing with Fire by Various Authors

Jessica Jones: Playing with Fire by various authors is an eBook that was originally an audiobook. I read the eBook version. It’s a strange book to review because this is a collaboration novel where each of the various authors write a chapter before handing it off to another author to keep the story going. So, each of the authors involved contribute multiple chapters to the read though they may not be consecutive chapters. Overall, it works pretty well here.


In this novel, Jessica Jones is supposed to be taking things easier and not getting emotionally invested in her cases. Focusing on getting better with her issues is what her therapist wants.      But this is the tormented Jessica Jones we all know and love.


Jessica is hired to find a missing twenty something and does. It’s a simple open and shut overdose on the surface. She should just walk away and call it a job. But, she still has questions like why would a kid who is allergic to opiates take an opiate? Why would a kid who was making plans commit suicide?


Clearly inspired more from the Netflix series than the comics, this noir style detective book is fun. However, readers should be warned that there are horror aspects to the read once the main villains are revealed. They are not villains she usually encounters. In fact, these villains are, as far as I know, a first and ones that Jessica has never encountered before anywhere.


Jessica Jones is really likeable here as she struggles with her complex PTSD and alcoholism. Luke Cage, Matt Murdock, and Foggy also guest star for a good portion of the novel. I really enjoyed this read.


Amazon Associate Purchase Link:


My digital reading copy came by way of the Hoopla App through the Dallas Public Library System.


Scott A. Tipple ©2024

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