Saturday, March 15, 2025

KRL Update 3/15/2025

Up on KRL this week reviews and giveaways of 2 mysteries set in England-"Two Weddings and a Murder" By Alyssa Maxwell and "A Lethal Walk in Lakeland" By Nicholas George

And a review and giveaway of "The Wagtail Murder Club" by Krista Davis


And a review and giveaway of "Big Name Fan" the first in a fun new series by Ruthie Knox and Annie Mare, along with a fun interview with the pair


We also have the latest Queer Mystery Coming Attractions from Matt Lubbers-Moore which includes an interview with author Marshall Thornton


And another local true crime story by Sarah Peterson-Camacho


Up on KRL News and Reviews this week we have a review of "A Side Dish of Death" by T.C. LoTempio along with a giveaway of a $15 Amazon gift card


And a review and giveaway of "The Woke and the Dead" by Mark Bacon


And a review and ebook giveaway of "From the Delta to the DMZ" by Paul Sinor

Happy reading,

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