Saturday, January 21, 2023

Scott's Take: Superman: Son of Kal-el Vol. 2: The Rising by Tom Taylor

Superman: Son of Kal-el Vol. 2: The Rising by Tom Taylor collects only four issues so it is a short volume.  With Clark Kent off world, it is up to Jonathan Kent as Superman to deal with Bendix. Bendix remains committed to weaponizing anyone with powers while also and killing anyone who tries to stop him. If that was not enough, Lex Luthor is free from prison and back to his old ways, so it’s time for Jon and Lex to meet.  In the last two issues, the Nightwing crossover is collected so Nightwing and Superman team up to take on the group calling itself The Rising.


This volume has some heartfelt moments, action, some humor, all the while Jon deals with the fact that when the stakes are so high sometimes there are no clean wins. You can do everything you can and people still die.


I really enjoyed this volume. I just wish there was more. It is a strong setup volume and the third volume titled, Superman: Son of Kal-El Vol. 3: Battle for Gamorra, will continue this series. Unfortunately, it won’t come out until May. With such a long wait between volumes it’s hard not to be annoyed when the story kind of just stops.



My reading coy came by way of the Hoopla App and the Dallas Public Library System.


Scott A. Tipple ©2023

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