Friday, December 01, 2023

This Horrible Anniversary

8:45 AM

Nothing has ever been right again. It has been six very long years since Sandi moved on without me. We had dreams. We were supposed to grow old together. 

Instead, cancer took her, and changed everything. Not a day goes by that I don't wish I could bring her back. Or,  that I had shuffled off this mortal coil right with her. 

Going on remains brutally hard. Today is one of those days that the universe really puts it to you with both boots.


pattinase (abbott) said...

Sorry, Kevin. With any luck, I will join Phil soon.

Jerry House said...

I sympathize with you completely, Kevin, but as I have mentioned before, life is for the living and we must get on as best we can. A hell of a lot easier said than done, I realize. Thinking of you today.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Thank you, Jerry. I mm trying to follow your advice. Just having a very hard time of it every day.... especially today.

I get it, Patti. After Dad died, my Mom was utterly devastated. For the several years afterwards, it pretty much destroyed her though she lived on. She did not want to at all. I used to get on her about how she had friends, she had family, she had grandson's for god sake, and though Dad was gone, she had all of us. That fact did not matter much to her.

I did not get it then. I do now and it is one hell of a lesson.

TracyK said...

I am thinking of you also, Kevin. I hope the pain eases in the next few days.

Kevin R. Tipple said...

Thank you, TracyK. It is Saturday, and I am up, and trying to function like a normal human being.