Friday, September 20, 2024

FFB Review: Vendetta in Death: In Death Series by J.D. Robb

Vendetta in Death is one of those books where one wonders if the vigilante has the right idea. She calls herself Lady Justice. Her target is scumbag men. And she has plenty of targets.


It is April 2061 and her first target is Nigel McEnroy. He drugged women. He raped. He cheated on his wife. He took her company and then sold it while diverting most of the money to his accounts. All that and a lot more he confessed to Lady Justice as she tortured him.


Now he is dead. Lieutenant Eve Dallas might not know who killed him if not for the note left by Lady Justice tacked to his body where his genitals used to be. Dumped at his building, he was found by a neighbor who called it in.


He’s a scumbag, but that won’t stop Dallas, Peabody, and the team from trying to stop the killer. It was not up to Lady Justice to dispense her form of justice. It was up to the legal system. The vigilante acted and is going to act again and again until she is stopped.


Vendetta in Justice is one of the more complicated reads in this series. Not only in the terms of morality and the issues raised by vigilante justice, but in terms of characters and complexity of plot. It also happens to be a pretty good read.


Amazon Associate Purchase Link:


My reading copy came by way of the OverDrive/Libby App and the Dallas Public Library System.


Kevin R. Tipple ©2024

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